Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Back to School

School in our area started yesterday, which means my students and I are Back to Lessons today. I'm really revved up about it! In the past I never took the summer off; somebody always wanted summer lessons, Christmas break lessons, etc. and I agreed to do it. This year I felt totally burned out by the end of May. We were in the process of closing our shop. I wasn't even sure I would ~ever~ teach again. So I took June off, which pretty much turned into June and July both. 
Wow! What a difference that made. I made necessary choice about which kids to keep, and the ones I have this year are all MOTIVATED and INTERESTED and....they practice. Yayyy!
So. I can't wait to see you guys.

(note to self: Don't wait 3 years to take a break next time.)