Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tools for better practice (violin, viola, and cello)

Hi everyone,
Thank you for hanging in there with me through weeks and weeks of illness and interruptions! I think the sinus infection is gone now (knock on wood) and we can get back to the business of making music.

I've noticed that not everyone has the proper tools to do their best practice at home. So I want to talk about that today. The tools you need are:

A music stand
that extends to the proper height, so you can see it comfortably while standing.
A metronome.
A tuner.

An optional item is a stand that holds your violin or viola (or cello) so that you don't have to pack it away every time; here's one option. We have some that are $15, $29.99, other options and yes we have cello-sized ones too.

That's not much, is it? You need to use the tuner every time you get your violin out for practice. If you're not exactly in tune, your practice will go as well.

The metronome is not used all that much, but it's very important. If I am not standing there clapping, and you feel like you don't have the beat, you need to use the metronome. Many students purchase one, try it out once, and conclude they can't use it. This is incorrect. All you need to do is get used to it. Use some old songs that you know well and practice playing with it. Students who play in an orchestra usually do this a little easier than those who doubt, because they're used to following the conductor's beat.

I know that some people are propping their music up to play, but you'll do much better if you have a real music stand. We have some that are only $19, and if you're more concerned about the look, there are also some wooden ones.

That's all for today. Happy practicing!

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